Edpuzzle + Google Classroom

EasilycreatebeautifulinteractivevideolessonsforyourstudentsyoucanintegraterightintoyourLMS.Trackstudents'progresswithhassle-free ...,Edpuzzleprovidestoolstoembedquestions,audioorimagesinavideo.Injustthreesteps,teacherscanuseYouTubevideosaspartoft...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons for your students you can integrate right into your LMS. Track students' progress with hassle-free ...


Edpuzzle provides tools to embed questions, audio or images in a video. In just three steps, teachers can use YouTube videos as part of their lessons.

Importing new students from Google Classroom

The only way to add more students is to first add the students to the Google Classroom course and then import them to Edpuzzle.

How do I share assignments to Google Classroom?

You can post assignments directly to Google Classroom from Edpuzzle in one of two ways. Using the Edpuzzle Google Classroom Add-on.

Google Classroom Integration

Here's how to do this: Visit your Edpuzzle profile. Scroll down to the “Connected accounts” section. Click the “Disconnect” button next to your Google account.

Integrating with Google Classroom

Using this integration method, students will be able to log into their Google Classroom accounts and complete their Edpuzzle video lessons right from there.


評分 4.4 (10) Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons with Edpuzzle and get data on who watched the video, how many questions they answered correctly and more!

Edpuzzle Series_出問題及連結到Google Classroom

打開Edpuzzle 然後於右上方按Content. 可以在左上方的Search content 輸入你已錄製短片的Youtube 連結. 匯入影片後可按Questions. 選擇你需要加問題的時間.

Classroom 擴充外掛功能上線囉!一鍵汲取好用素材

Pear Deck、edpuzzle、Google Arts & Culture 等,這些實用外掛程式都可以透過Google 帳號單一登入,師生得以在安全且簡易的環境下,同時登入Classroom 和其他外掛程式,不須再 ...

How to Integrate Edpuzzle and Google Classroom

Find out more about how you can integrate Edpuzzle and make assigning video lessons to Google Classroom easier! Watch Assigning an Edpuzzle ...


EasilycreatebeautifulinteractivevideolessonsforyourstudentsyoucanintegraterightintoyourLMS.Trackstudents'progresswithhassle-free ...,Edpuzzleprovidestoolstoembedquestions,audioorimagesinavideo.Injustthreesteps,teacherscanuseYouTubevideosaspartoftheirlessons.,TheonlywaytoaddmorestudentsistofirstaddthestudentstotheGoogleClassroomcourseandthenimportthemtoEdpuzzle.,YoucanpostassignmentsdirectlytoG...